Nibulon modernized elevators in the Mykolaiv region

Nibulon modernized elevators in the Mykolaiv region

Agroholding Nibulon modernized the Vradiivskyi and Kolosivskyi elevators in the Mykolaiv region.

The “Vradiivskyi” and “Kolosivskyi” elevators are continuing to be modernized to improve service to farmers,  Nibulon reported.

Modernization works are ongoing at the elevator complexes of AK “Vradiivskyi” LLC and “Kolosivskyi Elevator” LLC, the purpose of which is to improve the quality of service to agricultural producers. As Valerii Reutso, director of the company’s elevator operations, said, modernization measures will significantly increase the capacity of both facilities to receive the late grain group.

A second transshipment line was built at AK “Vradiivskyi” LLC, which made it possible to double the company’s capacity. Now the complex can unload up to 180 tons of grain per hour, which is significantly more than the previous indicators of 50-80 tons. The second autoloading point was also modernized, where new equipment and an automated process control system were installed.

In addition, the area of ​​concrete roads was expanded on the territory of the complex, which allows to optimize traffic and reduce the time of grain unloading. Agricultural producers now have a convenient route from the laboratory to the weighing machine and loaders, which also allows working with several crops at the same time.

Two new bunkers with a capacity of 40 tons each were built at “Kolosivskyi Elevator” LLC, which ensured efficient storage and quick shipment of grain to vehicles. Additionally, 4 units of transport equipment were modernized, which will increase the level of service for partners.

Previously, USM reported that Sense Bank restructured a loan to Nibulon for more than $27 million