Nibulon plans to focus on underwater mine clearance in 2025

Nibulon noted that next year they plan to focus on demining waterways, in particular, on the creation of platforms for underwater demining.
This was reported by Mykhailo Rizak, Director of Interaction with Authorities at Nibulon.
“In 2025, we will focus on systematically addressing key challenges in both agricultural land and waterway demining. […] In addition, together with the sapper community, we are working to improve mine action processes and increase the availability of technical means,” Rizak noted.
According to him, the company’s plans include the localization of production and repair of demining machines, the creation of platforms for underwater demining, and the integration of AI to provide additional analytics during NTO.
The company also plans to expand the certification of its own demining unit to a full cycle, which will include the neutralization of explosive ordnance and underwater demining.
We previously reported that Nibulon has fully repaid its investment in the terminal on the Danube.