Parade of ships on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

The naval parade on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine took place today in the Odesa Gulf.
The festive parade was attended by:
- landing ship Yuri Olefirenko;
- degaussing vessel vessel Balta;
- search and rescue vessel Alexander Okhrimenko;
- medium recon ship Simferopol;
- small recon ship Pereyaslav;
- armored cutters of the Gyurza-M type;
- patrol cutters.
In total, 26 ships of the Naval Forces of Ukraine, the Marine Guard of the State Border Guard Service, the Marine Search and Rescue Service took part in the event. Also participated the machinery of the partner countries – Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia.

Spectators watched the staged rebuff of the illegal invasion of the territorial waters of Ukraine with an artillery duel, parachute-free landing of combat swimmers, coastal reconnaissance from sea and air, landing of marines and equipment from the Yuri Olefirenko medium landing ship, passage of signal cutters and a rescue operation.