River fleet of Ukraine will receive European identification numbers

The Ministry of Infrastructure has developed a draft order “On approval of the Procedure for assigning and applying a unique European identification number to inland navigation vessels”.
Now, according to the document, each inland navigation vessel will be assigned a unique European Identification Number (ENI), by which they will be identified and described. The procedure does not apply to ferries, warships and sea vessels.
The document was developed to bring the regulations of the MIU in line with the requirements of the Directive of the European Parliament and the EU. These requirements relate to the establishment of technical requirements for inland navigation vessels. Compliance with requirements is one of the points for Ukraine on the way to European integration.
The draft order was developed to fulfill, inter alia, Articles 29 and 32 of the Law “On Inland Water Transport” of December 3rd, 2020, which comes into force on January 1st of the following year (with the exception of certain norms).