Since the beginning of the month, the railway has transported more than 500,000 tons of grain for export

Since the beginning of the month, the railway has transported more than 500,000 tons of grain for export

During 10 days of July, 535,000 tons of grain cargoes were transported in the export connection by rail transport.

As representatives of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” reported during the online meeting, since the beginning of July, 648.6 thousand tons of grain cargoes have been transported by railway. Of them, 535,000 tons were transported in the export connection. 429,000 tons (80%) were transported to the ports.

In total, 18 million 731 thousand tons were transported in the export connection for six months. Compared to the same period last year, the growth is 43.3%.

The volume of network load has also increased. So, for 10 days of July, the indicator is 541.8 thousand tons. Compared to the corresponding period of 2023, the growth is 58%. However, by June, the volume decreased by 38%.

Grain loading in July ranged from 47 to 63 thousand tons per day.