Solsky: Each terminal on the border with the EU will export up to 2 million tons of grain

Each grain terminal on the border with the European Union must transport up to 2 million tons of Ukrainian agricultural products.
Export routes of Ukrainian agricultural products through the countries of the European Union should become permanent and main. For this, the cost of transportation to European ports should become cheaper, and logistics at the border should be expanded, according to the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, Mykola Solskyi.
In conditions of rising food prices, increasing inflation, escalation of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine by russia, Europe must be ready for difficulties with the sea route. According to Solsky, it is necessary to develop even more actively the export routes of Ukrainian agricultural products through the EU countries.
“Yes, Ukraine is counting on the support of the EU in the construction of a complex of terminals and a pipeline for vegetable oils and grain transshipment terminals. Each such terminal will be able to provide transportation of up to 2 million tons per year,” the minister noted.
In addition, Ukraine offers the EU to define routes and timetables for Ukrainian grain wagons through the territories of Poland and Germany to the Polish port of Gdansk and the German ports of Rostock and Hamburg.