
It became known exactly how the ships will pass the “grain corridor”

The hydrographic station Odesa-Navtex determined the coordinates of the routes for grain carriers, which will go from Ukrainian ports in the direction of Turkey.

28.07.2022 - 11:55
Crime and NON -punishment: what to expect from the Istanbul Agreements

On Friday, July 22, Ukraine signed the Istanbul Agreement with Turkey and the UN, which provides for the safe export of grain from Ukrainian ports. Russia signed a similar agreement with the UN and Turkey (and has already violated it).

26.07.2022 - 20:50
New grain: export forecasts in Ukraine and in the world

How much grain will the main producing countries, including Ukraine, collect and send to foreign markets? Analysts at Barva Invest talk about what is happening with grain export forecasts, and what factors affect grain exports in Ukraine and around the world.

17.07.2022 - 15:00
A small step or a victory: will the opening of the of the Bystre estuary affect grain exports?

On Saturday, July 9, it became known that the Bystre Estuary was open again. Piloting along the estuary became available again thanks to the liberation of Zmiinyi Island and ensuring the safety of the coastal section of the water area in this part of the Black Sea. USM tells what effect the opening of the Bystre Estuary will have on Ukrainian exports and what are market participants afraid of.

15.07.2022 - 18:50
Unblocking Ukrainian ports – preventing the food security challenges for the world

Ukrainian sea ports have been blocked by Russian navy forces since February 24th, 2022. The rapid closure of seaports caused major logistics disruption not only in Ukraine but in the whole Black Sea region and Eastern Europe.

30.05.2022 - 15:00
Romania threatened sea exports from Ukraine

There has formed a congestion of about 90 ships near the sea channel Sulina. The Romanian side does not cope with the problem and ignores the proposals of the Ukrainian port workers.

22.05.2022 - 13:30
Bloody oil: russian federation continues to make money from sea supplies

In April, russian oil exports recovered, despite the rejection of raw materials by many European buyers. USM tells how now, during the war, russian federation continues to sell oil and who buys bloody raw materials.

4.05.2022 - 14:50
Europe plans to increase grain exports by 30%

The European Commission predicts an increase in grain exports from Europe to make up for the shortage of Ukrainian wheat on the world market.

10.04.2022 - 15:30
Ukrainian grain has already been exported by rail

Traders have made the first shipments of Ukrainian corn to Europe by rail as Ukraine’s seaports remain blocked by Russia’s invasion.

28.03.2022 - 10:40
Australia will not supply raw materials for aluminum to Russia

Australia imposed a ban on the export of raw materials for aluminum production to Russia.

20.03.2022 - 12:00