The EU handed over barriers to localize pollution in the port of Kherson

The EU handed over barriers to localize pollution in the port of Kherson

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) handed over to USPA the boom barriers for the localization of pollution in the port of Kherson.

As part of the Black and Caspian Sea (BCSEA) II project, EMSA handed over 800 meters of boom barriers for the localization of pollution in the port of Kherson, USPA reported.

The need for equipment is due to the consequences of enemy attacks, from which not only the port infrastructure suffers, but also the ships that have been in the water area of ​​the port since the invasion, as a result – possible pollution that requires a quick response.

Certificate. The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) is a decentralized EU agency that monitors the implementation of European legislation in the field of maritime safety.

Previously, USM reported that USPA received a new pilot vessel for ports on the Danube.