The ITF has returned more than $1.7 million in back wages to seafarers

The ITF has returned more than $1.7 million in back wages to seafarers

The International Transport Federation (ITF) has returned more than $1.7 million in back wages to seafarers.

In June, the ITF conducted 883 inspections as part of efforts to return legitimate wages to seafarers, according to the MTWTU.

The trade union of maritime transport workers of Ukraine is the only maritime member organization of the ITF in Ukraine. Therefore, in case of violations of labor rights, Ukrainian seafarers need to turn to that place.

USM previously reported that the Inspectorate for Certification of Seafarers was liquidated in Ukraine. The inspectorate for the training and certification of seafarers is known for its extremely high level of corruption among maritime workers. The state qualification commission is often biased and makes it impossible for a seafarer to pass the exam. In January 2021, one of the specialists managed to challenge the results of the DCC exam in court, but such cases are an exception to the rules.