The Ministry of Infrastructure will be engaged in the development of tourism and resorts

The Ministry of Infrastructure will be engaged in the development of tourism and resorts

The Cabinet of Ministers entrusted the functions of the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of tourism and resorts (except for state supervision) to the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The Ministry of Infrastructure will oversee the State Agency for Tourism Development (instead of the Ministry of Culture). The corresponding decision was made at a government meeting on Wednesday, September 8th, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

The project itself is designed to ensure the comprehensive development of infrastructure, in particular tourism.

As USM reported earlier, the State Agency for Tourism Development agreed to provide services to popularize river tourist routes in Ukraine for UAH 2.5 million (USD 93.7 thousand). The State Agency for Tourism Development will organize advertising river tourist trips Kyiv-Kanev-Kyiv and Kyiv-Chornobyl-Kyiv, two voyages for each route.

The State Agency for Tourism Development is the central executive body that implements state policy in the field of tourism and resorts in Ukraine.