The UDS declared that they were forced to resort to anti-crisis measures

The UDS declared that they were forced to resort to anti-crisis measures

The Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company is forced to take anti-crisis measures to preserve the export direction.

The other day, the Ministry of Infrastructure held a meeting on anti-crisis measures in shipping, the UDS reported.

During the meeting, the parties discussed the current state of affairs, further development plans, as well as ways to preserve the Danube export logistics direction.

The situation on the Danube is objectively difficult: freight rates are at a minimum, the agricultural export flow has reoriented to the ports of Odesa region.

The largest participants in the river transportation market are cutting costs: they are suspending some investment projects and optimizing staff. The UDS is forced to resort to anti-crisis measures.

At the same time, it is important for UDS to continue modernizing the fleet. Therefore, during the meeting, the issue of changes to the finplan regarding the write-off and sale of ships that have been idle for years were also discussed. For the most part, it is scrap metal, which is economically impractical to restore.

Currently, the UDS expects that the scrap sale process will be immediately unblocked. In this case, the state will receive taxes and dividends, the Kili plant will receive jobs, and the UDS fleet will receive an additional volume of transportation.

Earlier, the Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company stated that Ukraine risks disrupting the financing program for the modernization of the fleet.