Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania are calling for a complete ban on grain imports from the Russian Federation to the EU

Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania are calling for a complete ban on grain imports from the Russian Federation to the EU

Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland advocated a ban on importing agricultural products of Russian and Belarusian origin into EU countries.

During the meeting within the Lublin Triangle, the heads of the agricultural committees of Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania signed a joint declaration. AgroPolit writes about it.

In particular, the document refers to the ban on the import of agricultural products of Russian and Belarusian origin into EU countries. The parties also call for a ban on the transit of all food from the Russian Federation and Belarus through EU countries.

The signed declaration consists of 7 points:

• take the initiative to ban the import of agricultural products of Russian and Belarusian origin to the EU;

• to consider the ban on the transit of Russian and Belarusian agricultural products through the territory of the EU;

• to consider restrictions on the access of Russian manufacturers to the world’s advanced technologies and equipment;

• implement interventional systems for the purchase of surplus grain on the market;

• limit unfair trade practices in future trade between countries;

• help Ukraine restore its position on the world market by unblocking sales channels;

• condemn the Russian Federation for exporting illegally appropriated grain produced in Ukraine.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the Agricultural Committee, Stepan Chernyavskyi, Latvia and Estonia should also be invited to the Lublin Triangle. After all, Russian agricultural products can potentially be exported and transited through these countries.

“It is necessary to introduce a collective ban on the export and transit of all agricultural products from Russia and Belarus across the border of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine as soon as possible. Europe will clearly benefit from this, because the pressure on its internal prices for agricultural products, which is currently also being formed by the influx of agricultural products from Russia, will significantly decrease,” the official emphasized.

Previously, USM wrote that Poland will help detect tankers of the “shadow fleet” of the Russian Federation in the Baltic Sea.