UZ tested a new intermodal route to the port of Klaipeda

UZ tested a new intermodal route to the port of Klaipeda

“Ukrzaliznytsia” and the transport company LTG Cargo successfully tested a new intermodal cargo transportation route from the port of Klaipeda to Kyiv.

As part of the testing of the route, semi-trailers with cargo were delivered from the Klaipeda seaport to the Kaunas intermodal terminal, where they were loaded onto railway rolling stock and headed for Kyiv, the  press service of UZ reported.

The test trip of the intermodal train lasted 9 days. Technological processes were worked out during it. In the future, the planned duration of the route will be 5 days.

“Cargo on the Klaipeda-Kaunas route will be transported by LTG Cargo in Lithuania and LTG Cargo Polska in Poland. At the Medyka (Poland) — Mostyska (Ukraine) checkpoint, semi-trailers with cargo will be transshipped from European to Ukrainian broad-gauge platforms and transported by Ukrzaliznytsia to the “Lisky” terminal in Kyiv. From here, goods can be distributed across the country by road transport,” said Vyacheslav Yeromin, a member of the board of JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia”.

According to him, LTG Cargo and its partners currently carry out cargo transportation on three international routes connecting Lithuania and Ukraine through the border points of Mostyska — Medyka, Yagodyn — Dorogusk, and Izov — Hrubeshuv. Railway carriers mainly transport oil and agricultural products.

At the request of customers, cargo transported by rail on this route can also be transported both from/to the Klaipeda seaport and anywhere in the Baltic States.

As previously reported by USM, Ukraine plans to increase cargo transportation to the port of Klaipeda.