Vessels flying the Russian flag will no longer enter Ukraine

At the beginning of the year, the Law “On Inland Water Transport” came into force, which restricts the call of Russian vessels into Ukrainian river ports.
The document states that navigation on the inland waterways of Ukraine is prohibited for vessels flying the flag of the aggressor state (Article 45, Part 3).
In addition, entry into the internal routes of the country is prohibited for vessels whose owners/ultimate beneficiaries of the owners are citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as individuals and legal entities who have been sanctioned in accordance with the Law on Sanctions (Article 32, Part 3).
The carriage of passengers and cargo on international river routes through the territory of Ukraine is also prohibited for vessels flying the flag of the Russian Federation (Article 53, Part 1).
As a reminder, the Law “On Inland Water Transport” was adopted on December 3rd, 2020. Then it was signed by the President of Ukraine.