Volumes of grain transfer to Romania increased by more than 60%

Volumes of grain transfer to Romania increased by more than 60%

The number of grain wagons passing through checkpoints on the border with Romania increased by 62.7%.

On average, 67.8 wagons with grain pass in the direction of Romania. This indicator is 62.7% higher than in July, according to Rail.Insider.

Also, the volumes of carriages transferred through PP on the border with Poland increased. Currently, on average, 68.3 wagons are heading to Poland. Compared to July, this indicator increased by 14.1%.

At the Ukrainian-Slovak crossings, the average daily rate of transfer of grain trucks is 24.8 units per day. The increase is 2.1%.

On the other hand, at the same time, the volume of grain transfers through crossings at the border with Hungary decreased by 28.2%.

As USM previously wrote, almost a thousand wagons with grain are being unloaded in the ports of Odesa.