Germany will buy LNG in Qatar

Germany will buy LNG in Qatar

Germany and Qatar have agreed on a long-term energy partnership.

This was announced by German Economy Minister Robert Habeck during a visit to Doha, writes Economic Truth. Habek said about “the strong dynamics”, noting that Qatar shows even greater support than expected.

The heads of German companies, which accompanying the Minister during his visit to Qatar, will hold detailed negotiations with the Qatari side on concluding contracts. The Minister did not specify what volumes of gas from Qatar he was talking about.

Qatar is one of the world’s largest suppliers of liquefied natural gas. Earlier Habek said that they are talking about both short-term and long-term gas supplies from Qatar. The Minister announced the intention to speed up the building of terminals in Germany for receiving LNG.

The agreed partnership with Qatar includes not only LNG supplies to Germany, but also the development of renewable energy sources, as well as energy efficiency measures.

According to Habek, this is a step towards gaining greater independence from Russia against the backdrop of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.