
Smuggling and ports: why do criminals choose Ukraine?
Drugs, cigarettes and many other goods are smuggled, most often, to the countries of the European Union. And Ukraine, being at the intersection of several international transit routes, is becoming a real paradise for smugglers.

In Georgia, Ukrainian yachtsmen sentenced to 4 years in prison
The Batumi City Court ruled in the case against two Ukrainians who are accused of illegally crossing the Georgian state border. The men were sentenced to 4 years in prison.

Photo of the day: the unique sailing ship “Kruzenshtern” celebrates its 95th anniversary
The four-masted barque “Kruzenshtern” celebrated the 95th anniversary of its launch on June 23rd, 2021.

Andrey Pochtarev has been appointed as a State Secretary of the MIU
Today, July 7th, at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers Andrey Pochtarev has been appointed as a State Secretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

FSB has tried to recruit Ukrainian fishermen
The employees of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation wanted to recruit Ukrainian fishermen who have been working in the neutral waters of the Black and Azov Seas.

“Achieve the set goals despite the circumstances”, – Maksym Lapay, Head of the Odesa branch of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority
USM spoke with Maksym Lapay, Head of the Odesa branch of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority, about the career, the port and plans for the future.

The Forgotten Port of Khorly: From Foundation and Prosperity to Modernity and Decline
The port (now a sea trade point) of Khorly is located on the shore of the Karkinitsky Gulf of the Black Sea in the Kherson region.

Ports and roads in Ukraine: a complex equation with many unknowns
The problem with the highways that lead to the ports of Kherson, Mykolaiv and Mariupol is far from new, but still very urgent. Heavy-duty transport follows city streets to these ports, demolishing roads and causing great inconvenience to local residents.

Black Sea straits: how vessels pass the Black Sea gates
The Black Sea Straits are the natural “gates” of the Black Sea, the only way to connect the Black Sea countries with the open sea and the world’s oceans.

Port “Ch”: unknown story
Most of the ports of Ukraine are the country’s trade gates, and some are also unique in that they are city-forming.