Co-owner of TIS hid almost UAH 70 million from NACP

Co-owner of TIS hid almost UAH 70 million from NACP

Oleg Kutateladze, a Deputy of the Odesa Regional Council, did not declare UAH 69.9 million (USD 2.56 million), which was one of the largest undeclared amounts identified by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention.

This is reported by Ukrrudprom.

Oleg Kutateladze is a lawyer, businessman, co-owner of the private port TIS and Head of the legal department of LLC Transinvestservice. He was a Deputy of the Odesa City Council of the sixth convocation in 2010-2015, after which he was elected to the regional council of the seventh convocation.

In his declaration, Kutateladze indicated almost 20 residential and country houses with a total area of ​​3.4 thousand square meters. He and his family members own six land plots with a total area of ​​84.5 hectares in Odesa and the region. In addition, Oleg Kutateladze owns the premises of a church with an area of ​​357 square meters in Odesa, and his wife Valentina Mushinskaya owns a boat rental point in Koblevo, the Vita Park recreation park and other real estate.

According to the results of a full check, Kutateladze hid in his declaration a house in Odesa with an area of ​​346 square meters, which belongs to his wife. In addition, the declaration does not indicate the registration number of the church building, office with an area of ​​410 square meters, an office with an area of ​​88 square meters and other real estate.

It was established that his wife owns numerous land plots on the territory of the Odesa and Mykolaiv regions, which are not indicated in the declaration. In the explanations provided by Oleg Kutateladze, he explained that he combined all the land plots into six blocks, indicating their total area.

Kutateladze does not have his own car, however, since 2010 he has been using a Toyota car, which belongs to TIS LLC, indicating that the model “does not apply”. During a full check of the declaration, it was established that the specified vehicle is a Toyota Land Cruiser premium SUV.

According to the declaration data, Kutateladze owns shares of the Nobilis investment fund worth 1.95 million hryvnias. He also indicated in the declaration that he owns the corporate rights of TIS LLC (14.7%), TIS-Container Terminal LLC (18.48%), TIS-Ugol LLC (14.73%), TIS-Ruda (6.06%), LLC Transconcordia (24.47%), LLC Transvales (5%), LLC Visteria (5%), LLC First gas terminal (20%) , LLC Consul (30%), LLC TIS-14 berth (18.48%), LLC Asset Management Company Kraken Invest (30%), LLC Port Matriels Management (30%), LLC KF Trust (10%), LLC Kartuzov & Partners Law Firm (37%).

Oleg Kutateladze and his wife also own LLC Transvales, LLC Vita-555, LLC Valenta-888, LLC Wisteria, LLC Transoil, LLC New Se Processing, LLC Teplyi Dom Yug, LLC Voskhod, LLC Rud-Trans, LLC Alpha Astra, Logus Investmants S.A., LLC Valletta-Travel, PE Orange Train, PE Red Train, PE Blue Train, PE Green Train, PE Yellow Train, LLC Villa Valletta, PE AAS, LLC Greenland Cottage Park, LLC Brol Plus, LLC Phoenix-Trade, LLC Greenland Cottage Park, HIQUE MANAGEMENT LTD.

However, according to a complete check of the declaration, Kutataledze incorrectly indicated information about the companies belonging to him and his share in the authorized capital. So, instead of 14.7% of the authorized capital of LLC TIS, he owns only 4.56%. In LLC TIS-Container Terminal, as of December 31st, 2020, Kutateladze was not a founder, and in LLC TIS-Coal instead of 14.7% he owns 15.5%.

NACP found other inconsistencies of the data on corporate rights specified in the declaration.

In the course of a full check of the declaration, the NACP revealed that Kutateladze did not indicate a number of companies in which he and his wife are the ultimate beneficiaries. In particular, he “forgot” to indicate LLC Avtomobilist Recreation Center, LLC Infrabud-Port, LLC KUA Kraken Invest and others.

The total income of the spouses indicated in the tax return amounted to UAH 131.9 million (USD 4.83 million) in 2020.

According to the results of a full inspection of the NACP, false information was found in the amount of USD 69.94 million (USD 2.56 million). Thus, Oleg Kutateladze committed a criminal offense under Part 2 of Article 366 of the Criminal Code.