Laguna-Reni is suing the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Energy for the oil terminal in the port of Reni

Laguna-Reni is suing the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of Energy for the oil terminal in the port of Reni

Laguna-Reni plans to achieve the cancellation of the transfer of the property complex of the oil terminal in the Reni seaport to the Ministry of Energy.

According to the press service of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv (DACK), the plaintiff asks the court to cancel the government order dated November 18th, 2020 №1465-r “On the transfer of property confiscated by court order in the city of Reni to the management sphere of the Ministry of Energy.”

The confiscated property is a complex for loading, storing and unloading liquefied petroleum gas in the Reni seaport. The plaintiff also demands to cancel the order of the Ministry of Energy №79 dated April 27th, 2021, by which the above-noted property was assigned on the right of economic management to the State Enterprise “Ukrvugillya”.

Now the court is deciding the issue of opening administrative proceedings.