Mariupol port is looking for investors for a grain terminal

Mariupol port is looking for investors for a grain terminal

The port of Mariupol adressed to European partners: the company is looking for investors for the construction of grain and container terminals.

A delegation of representatives of the European Parliament visited the port of Mariupol. Together with the Head of the port Igor Barsky, the delegation visited, in particular, berth №4, where the construction of a grain complex is being completed.

“We announced to our European partners that we expect assistance in the Kerch issue, in finding investors for the second stage of the grain terminal and for our future investment project for a container terminal. We want to revive the container traffic in the Sea of ​​Azov and in the port of Mariupol,” – said the Acting Director of the port Igor Barskiy.

European Parliament was interested in the changes in the life of the enterprise that took place after 2014, how the port resolves the issue of increasing cargo flows and attracting investments, as well as the nuances of shipping in the Kerch Strait.