MIU is looking for a new Director of Ukrvodshlyakh: what is known

MIU is looking for a new Director of Ukrvodshlyakh: what is known

The Ministry of Infrastructure has announced yet another competition for the vacancy of the Director of the State Enterprise of waterways “Ukrvodshlyakh”.

The announcement of the competition regards to the fact that the Ministry of Infrastructure insists on the appointment of permanent Heads for state-owned enterprises. The new Head through a competition will be appointed a Director on a permanent basis, and not acting, said Deputy Minister of Infrastructure Yury Vaskov to USM.

Applications for participation in the competitive selection and other necessary documents are accepted in Kyiv, at the address of the Ministry, til October 8th.

The applicant must have a master’s degree in the relevant field of knowledge or a higher education of the same level in the fields of management and administration or law, as well as at least 5 years of career history in Senior Management positions of the lower level, etc.

The previous competition for filling the vacancy of the company was announced at the end of July. As explained by Yury Vaskov, only one participant applied for a position in Ukrvodshlya – in such conditions the competition is considered invalid, so the next one was announced.

“This will be the case with all other enterprises. Our legislation in terms of carrying out tenders and appointing Heads has become even more complicated, and now for large enterprises it is necessary to first select a consultant, then adjust the tender conditions, then carry out the tender itself, and then appoint. This applies to large enterprises. Ukrvodshlyakh belongs to a different category, so the competition is carried out by the Ministry itself,” explained Vaskov.

The Deputy Minister also said that the new Head will be entrusted with the task of bringing the enterprise out of the crisis state, as well as implementing the requirements of the law “On Inland Water Transport”, which will come into force on January 1st, 2022.

Since 2018, the Heads of the State Enterprise “Ukrvodshlyakh” have changed five times. Since the end of June, the Head of the enterprise has been Yury Litvin.

SE “Ukrvodshlyakh” implements transport, technical and environmental policy in the operation of inland waterways and navigational locks of Ukraine and their maintenance in good condition, as well as dredging, corrective, sweeping, bottom-cleaning and prospecting works.

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