Nibulon announced that it is entering new markets in the Middle and Upper Danube

The first steps in this direction were the flights with metal products on the routes Izmail – Lom (Bulgaria) and Izmail – Smederevo (Serbia).
The company stated that it offers a full cycle of grain exports in combination with its own logistics, as well as cargo transportation of any type of goods on the Danube, the Nibulon press service reported.
The first steps in this direction were the flights with metal products on the routes Izmail – Lom (Bulgaria) and Izmail – Smederevo (Serbia), which were carried out by the tugboats “Pereyaslavsky” and “Kozatsky” with the involvement of barges of its own production.
“These transportations confirmed the company’s readiness to work effectively with different categories of cargo, opening up new opportunities for business in Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania and other countries of the Danube region,” the company noted.
In particular, Nibulon said that the expansion to the Middle and Upper Danube is part of a long-term strategy aimed at the full utilization of its own capacities and the development of international river logistics.
“Our fleet is capable of transporting various types of cargo, and this is just the beginning. We offer comprehensive solutions to the Balkan business: grain exports in combination with our logistics along the Danube to Constanta, as well as river transportation of any goods between the ports of the region,” emphasized Serhiy Kalkutin, Director of Logistics at Nibulon.
Read also: Ukrainian river logistics is waiting for a reboot after the war.