
Oceanographic buoys launched from the icebreaker “Noosfera” for the first time
In March, Ukrainian scientists launched six argobuoys from the Noosphere into Antarctic waters.

More than 557 million from the state budget are planned to be allocated for the station “Akademik Vernadskyi”
The government plans to allocate UAH 557.6 million for conducting scientific research at the Antarctic station “Akademik Vernadskyi”. This became known from the draft bill on the state budget-2025. In particular, the explanatory note to the draft law states that among the main priorities of supporting the implementation of scientific and scientific and technical activities…

TiME: How space exploration affects shipping
Shipping, which began with primitive rafts, has today turned into a high-tech industry capable of overcoming the most extreme conditions. However, most of the ocean is still unexplored, and extreme temperatures near the poles force us to look for new solutions. What challenges are facing shipping in the new era, what ambitious projects can change the future of sea travel and how all this is connected with Saturn’s moon – read in the USM article.

Ukrainian icebreaker recorded singing of rare whales
It was possible to record the sounds of rare Antarctic whales from aboard the research vessel “Noosfera”.

Ukraine got access to polar ships of other countries
The National Antarctic Science Center (NASC) has joined the POLARIN project, which involves the unification of 64 research infrastructures in the Arctic and Antarctic.

Icebreaker James Clark Ross and research vessel Belgica were given new names in Odesa
In Odesa, the icebreaker James Clark Ross, bought in the UK, and the research vessel Belgica, donated to Ukraine by Belgium, were renamed.

Scientists from Ukraine and Malaysia will use the James Clark Ross icebreaker together
National Antarctic Scientific Center (NASC) of Ukraine and Malaysian Foundation for Antarctic Research named after Sultan Mizan intend to conduct joint scientific research. On October 26th, the parties signed a corresponding memorandum. This happened during the opening in Malaysia of the international conference “The Significance of the Earth’s Polar Regions in the Current Climate Crisis”….

Belgian research vessel went to Ukraine
The research vessel “Belgica” left the port of Zeebrugge and headed for Odesa.

A Belgian research vessel will arrive in Odesa (VIDEO)
Ukraine received from Belgium the research vessel Belgica, which will help strengthen environmental monitoring of the Black and Azov Seas.