
Life on a vessel: an overview of the cabins
A seaman’s work and life at sea is limited by the size of the vessel. And the cabin is the place where you have to live for several months in a row. The psyche of the sailor and, in many respects, the success of the voyage itself depends on how the cabin is arranged. It is good if the vessel is designed to a high standard, with large living quarters, seating areas and comfortable living conditions. However, there are a lot of vessels with small cabins, shared toilets and showers, where there are no additional amenities, for example, saunas, gyms, etc. What kind of seafarers’ cabins should be by standards and how are the things with living quarters on vessels in reality – in a review from USM.

Record freight rates: what is the world preparing for?
Freight rates are breaking all records: at the end of June, six-digit numbers were requested for container vessels with a capacity of 2.8 thousand to 5 thousand TEU. USM figured out what caused the rise in freight rates, why they will not drop in the near future, and what consumers can expect.

Interlegal and Maersk Line propose to discuss container shipping in Georgia and Ukraine
Interlegal and Maersk Line will carry out an online conference under the topic “Container Transportation in Georgia: Market, Claims and Freight Issues”.