Unique cargo was sent from Ukraine to Turkey on the vessel

A vessel with a cargo of domestic rye left the Mykolaiv port for Turkey. Thus, Ukraine exported rye to this country for the first time since 2009.
The press service of the exporting company reported, that 10336 tons of grain were shipped from the terminal in Mykolaiv, noting that it was preparing another consignment for shipment.
Moreover, the shipped volume is 26% of all rye exports from Ukraine in July-September 2021.
As USM reported, in 2021 Ukraine will harvest a record grain harvest, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, – 75.8 million tons. Crop exports in the season are also expected to reach a record level of 56 million tons. But whether Ukraine can export even more and, most importantly, better, depends on the quality of grain and the methods of its determination in the country.