Andrey Glazkov resigns from the post of Head of the State Service of Maritime and River Transport of Ukraine

Andrey Glazkov resigns from the post of Head of the State Service of Maritime and River Transport of Ukraine

The head of the State Service of Maritime and River Transport announced the decision to leave the post.

Andrey Glazkov wrote about this on his Facebook page. According to him, as the Head of the Maritime Administration, he “faced savage attacks, unconstructive criticism and even threats.”

“I have been in the position of a civil servant for less than a year, but even during this short time they managed to pigeonhole me as a corrupt official. I want to note that I am a person of a different era. In our time, honor and dignity were valued. And for me this is not an empty phrase. The mess, which has been bred in the maritime industry over the past six months, absolutely paralyzed the normal operation of the apparatus. There were plans, there were ideas, there were promises from Minister Krikliy to adequately finance the industry … but all this, unfortunately, turned out to be empty words,” commented Andrey Glazkov.

The head of the Maritime Administration also spoke about the demands of many seafarers to simplify the certification process: “I passed the examinations in good faith, every five years, and I remain unconvinced – the qualifications must be confirmed, otherwise, our seafarers will lose their place in the international market. I understand that re-certification every five years will cause a flurry of dissatisfaction, but there are requirements of the STCW Convention, and it is also necessary not to forget that our documents are recognized by other states (flags) due to the fact that Ukraine complies with the IMO requirements. It is precisely the compliance of our regulatory framework with the international STCW Convention that is assessed in an international audit”.

In addition, Andrei Glazkov mentioned frequent criticism of the corruption of the State Service of Maritime and River Transport.

“Therefore, I want to announce my decision: despite the fact that my desire to work for the good of the state has not diminished, I decide to submit my resignation letter and resign from my post,” said the Head of the Maritime Administration.