Seafarer’s account will start working in the spring

Seafarer’s account will start working in the spring

The launch of the state seafarer’s account was scheduled for March 31st of the next year.

They presented 94 digital transformation projects on the online service of state services of Ukraine. Among them is the launch of an seafarer’s account, which is scheduled for March 31st, 2022.

On the website of public services “Diia” presented the project “Digital transformation of the development of sea and river transport”, which includes two subprojects. This is the creation of seafarer’s account and a web portal “Maritime Single Window”. The Seafarers Journal reported.

“The seafarer’s account is the automation of the processes of interaction between seafarers and state authorities in order to carry out the submission of documents and obtain the corresponding documents of the seafarer,” the project description says.

The website indicates the launch date of the seafarer’s account – March 31st, 2022. Anatoly Klimashevsky, Deputy Minister for Digital Development, was appointed responsible for the project.