
Фінляндія вважає, що китайське судно навмисно пошкодило газопровід Balticconnector
Finland believes that the Chinese ship deliberately damaged the Balticconnector gas pipeline

In Finland, it is believed that the damage to the Balticconnector underwater gas pipeline at the beginning of October was not accidental.

3.12.2023 - 12:00
Пошкодження Balticconnector сталося між двома нитками «Північного потоку»
The damage to the Balticconnector occurred between two threads of the Nord Stream

The damage to the Balticconnector Estonian-Finnish gas pipeline occurred between two strands of the Nord Stream pipeline.

16.11.2023 - 14:40
NATO ships are heading to the Gulf of Finland after the sabotage of the Balticconnector

Ships of the 1st permanent NATO mine countermeasures group are heading to the Gulf of Finland due to the threat to the region’s underwater infrastructure.

26.10.2023 - 17:00
Поліція Фінляндії: газогін Balticconnector був пошкоджений китайським судном
The Balticconnector gas pipeline was damaged by a Chinese ship: what is known about it

In Finland, the main version of the damage to the Balticconnector gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea was announced.

25.10.2023 - 10:45
Chinese and Russian vessels were spotted before the sabotageon the Balticconnector

The Russian vessel “Sevmorput” and the Chinese vessel Newnew Polarbear were near the Balticconnector gas pipeline before the sabotage.

18.10.2023 - 10:40