State Hydrography

State Hydrography was reformed: what has changed
A new organizational structure was put into operation in the State Hydrography – the lighthouse-boyage department.

Corridor in the Black Sea was marked with virtual buoys
In two days, State Institution “State Hydrography” has carried out depth soundings and determined the recommended corridor for the passage of merchant vessels to the Black Sea ports of Ukraine.

Safe “corridor” in the Black Sea: surveyed more than 50% of the territory
The special fleet of the State Hydrography has surveyed more than 50% of the sea corridor between the western border of the Russian maritime exercise area and the southeastern edge of the Dniester Bank.

Corridor for safe navigation determined in the Black Sea
The State Hydrography carries out unscheduled depth soundings in the North-Western part of the Black Sea.

Shchiptsov was reinstated in the post of the Head of State Hydrography
By a court decision, the Maritime Administration reinstated Olexandr Shchiptsov as Head of the State Hydrography.

Meter-long voids found under a dam on the Danube (PHOTOS)
Meter-long hollows were found under the dam on the left bank of the Danube River.