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Bloody oil: russian federation continues to make money from sea supplies

In April, russian oil exports recovered, despite the rejection of raw materials by many European buyers. USM tells how now, during the war, russian federation continues to sell oil and who buys bloody raw materials.

4.05.2022 – 14:50
Nationalization, or How to compensate the losses to Ukraine

In response to the military aggression of russian federation, in March the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on the nationalization of the property of russian legal entities and individuals in Ukraine – movable and immovable, as well as funds, deposits in banks, securities, corporate rights and other assets. Among the objects that fall under alienation are large enterprises with a billion annual profits.

12.04.2022 – 13:40
Turkey will continue not to let warships into the Black Sea

Turkey will not allow warships of countries at war to pass through the Bosphorus.

11.04.2022 – 10:35
Russian troops attacked a Qatari enterprise in Mykolaiv

The invaders launched a missile attack on an enterprise from Qatar, which is located in the Mykolaiv region.

11.04.2022 – 10:00
TOP 5 news of the past week

USM publishes a digest of the 5 news that attracted the most readers last week, April 4 – 10.

11.04.2022 – 08:55
The new sanctions of the European Commission are only half-measures with many “loopholes”

A number of exceptions remain in the new EU sanctions against Russia, creating opportunities for circumvention.

10.04.2022 – 17:00
Europe plans to increase grain exports by 30%

The European Commission predicts an increase in grain exports from Europe to make up for the shortage of Ukrainian wheat on the world market.

10.04.2022 – 15:30
The Cabinet of Ministers legally fixed the decision to stop trade with the Russian Federation

At a meeting on Saturday, April 9, the Cabinet of Ministers legally confirmed the decision to terminate trade relations with the Russian Federation.

10.04.2022 – 14:00
Shipyards in Russia stop production due to lack of foreign components

The military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, dependent on imported high technologies, is unable to continue the production of modern weapons. So, Russian shipyards stop the production of ships for lack of foreign components.

10.04.2022 – 12:30
The shelled ship in the Mariupol port began to sink

The ship Azburg, fired upon by the invaders, began to sink in the port of Mariupol. There is a fire on the ship, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

5.04.2022 – 13:00
The EBRD banned Russia and Belarus access to their resources

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has officially banned Russia and Belarus from accessing the bank’s funds.

5.04.2022 – 11:25
In the port of Mariupol, the Russian military fired on a foreign ship

In the port of Mariupol, the Russian military fired on a foreign civilian vessel Azburg.

5.04.2022 – 09:25
Ukraine and Russia started a new round of negotiations

A new round of face-to-face negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation is taking place in Turkey.

28.03.2022 – 12:45
The Cabinet of Ministers canceled the licensing of exports of corn and sunflower oil

The Cabinet of Ministers has abolished the licensing of exports of corn and sunflower oil.

28.03.2022 – 12:10
Ukrainian grain has already been exported by rail

Traders have made the first shipments of Ukrainian corn to Europe by rail as Ukraine’s seaports remain blocked by Russia’s invasion.

28.03.2022 – 10:40
Operational summary for the morning of March 28

The thirty-third day of confrontation between Ukraine and its citizens against the military aggression of the Russian Federation began.

28.03.2022 – 10:00
Turkey proposes to use pilot boats in the Black Sea

Turkey proposes to deploy pilot boats on certain routes in the Black Sea to ensure the safety of the merchant fleet.

28.03.2022 – 09:20
Losses of the port infrastructure of Ukraine are estimated at $622 million

During the month of the war, the estimated amount of losses inflicted by the Russian Federation on the entire transport infrastructure of Ukraine amounted to almost $40 billion.

25.03.2022 – 15:50