
Dredging completed in the port of Olvia

State Enterprise “Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority” has completed operational dredging in the port of Olvia.

10.09.2021 - 09:40
The port of Skadovsk received a new Development Plan

The port of Skadovsk have adopted the updated version of the Development Plan at the meeting of the Council.

9.09.2021 - 17:25
A new terminal for transshipment of grain and oil will be built in Pivdennyi

The Authority of the Pivdennyi seaport presented a project for the construction of a new terminal.

9.09.2021 - 10:25
Cargo traffic on the Dnipro is growing

For 8 months of 2021, 8.25 million tons of cargo were transported along the Dnipro River.

8.09.2021 - 14:20
Will the port of Skadovsk survive?

The Skadovsk Sea Port Silo was put up for auction. However, only one participant was interested in the lot.

7.09.2021 - 14:45
Pivdennyi, Olvia, Reni. New records of the ports of the Odesa region

In August, the ports of Pivdennyi, Olvia and Reni set cargo handling records. Olvia is preparing for a concession, Reni is increasing capacity, but not solving financial problems, and Pivdennyi continues to lead in all areas.

6.09.2021 - 17:20
OPEC+ increases oil production

OPEC+ will continue to increase oil production by 400 thousand barrels per month til the end of the year.

6.09.2021 - 12:00
Ukrainian ports have transhipped over 91 million tons of cargo since the beginning of the year

According to the results of eight months of this year, port operators in the seaports of Ukraine handled 91 million 729 thousand tons of cargo.

6.09.2021 - 10:35
SMG completed the modernization of 6 Dutch vessels

The Kherson shipyard Smart Maritime Group completed the modernization of a series of kosters ordered by the Dutch company EemsWerken B.V.

6.09.2021 - 10:15
Photo of the day: Nibulon transports grain in a caravan of 4 barges

Nibulon transports grain along the Southern Bug in a caravan, which includes a pusher, a harbor tug and four barges.

3.09.2021 - 18:00