
Ukrainian cruise vessel “Princessa Dnepra” has been sold to Russia
The vessel “Princessa Dnepra” sailed from Kherson and is now heading to the port of Kavkaz.

Zelenskyy signed a law on administrative responsibility for overloading trucks
Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the law “On Amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of Ukraine regarding certain issues of the implementation of dimensional and weight control.” Earlier, the law was adopted in the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine.

The State Register of Seafarers in Ukraine will start working in at least two months
The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) returned the State Register of Seafarers under the control of the MIU, but has not yet been able to resume its work. The restart may take at least two months.

Contraband from China for UAH 7 million (USD 260.8 thousand) was smuggled through the Odesa port
An employee of the Odesa customs let through the goods from China in the port for UAH 7 million (USD 260.8 thousand) without paying a duty.

Ukrainian and Georgian navies have conducted joint exercises in the Black Sea
Joint exercises of the Ukrainian and Georgian navies of the PASSEX type have been carried out in the waters of the Black Sea.

The court ruled to collect more than UAH 22 million (USD 819.8 thousand) from the USPA
State Enterprise “USPA” lost a case to Gidrobud Ukraine LLC and will have to pay the company over UAH 22 million (USD 819.8 thousand).

Ukraine will receive an exploration vessel from Belgium
Belgium, in terms of the signed memorandum, plans to pass the 1984 exploration vessel Belgica to Ukraine. She will be used for environmental monitoring of the Black Sea.

Construction of a new open storage warehouse is being completed in Yuzhny (PHOTOS)
The construction of an open storage warehouse is in process at berth №9 of SE “CSP “Yuzhny”, 85% of the work has already been completed.

Cabotage or sabotage: the history of the locks on the Dnipro
The grain harvest in 2021 will be almost the largest in the entire history of Ukraine’s independence. More grains was collected only in 2019.

Three Ukrainian ports are looking for new Heads
MIU has appointed new Heads for two branches of the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority. In addition, a competition was announced for the posts of Heads of three state ports and the State Enterprise “Ukrvodput”.